New Consultant Masterclass
Topic 3-Coaching

Updated August 2022

Coaching is the KEY to your appointments! 
Who do you coach?

1. The Hostess or the person who has booked the appointment with you.
2. The guests invited for the appointments that are booked.

Print These Tools

CLICK HERE here for the coaching document

This gives you the scripts & steps to coaching your appointments.

Watch Video on the Hostess Program

Once you have booked the appointment, you need to coach the hostess on how to invite people! Make it simple for her!

Text #1 to send your hostess:

Here's the text you can send your friends: 

Hey friend! I'm super excited! I was gifted with a virtual spa experience from Mary Kay, for myself and 6 of my friends. You know how much I love you so you are one of the friends that I picked. Are you free on (date) at (time) for a virtual session? If so, I'll have me friend text you so she can ask you a few questions to customize your beauty experience with things that you'll love!

Pre-profiling to get info: 

Hey {{firstName}}! Alyssa said you are joining us for her beauty sesh on 6/9. I am so excited to meet you! I had a few questions about your skin to customize everything. Just wanted to make sure I had the right number before I sent them. ❀️- Stephanie w/ MK

Yay! So my questions are... 

1. Are you able to attend and is your skin more normal to dry or combo to oily? 

2. Is there anything you are wanting to change or improve in your skin? 

3. Do you have any allergies or things I need to know?

Got it. We can work on that! 😊 I'll get your packet right out and see you on date/time. 

Coaching Text #2- (send this 5ish days after you send the spa packet out- remember to stay in communication and check back with her in a day or two if you don't hear back from her) 

Hello {{firstName}} ❀️ This is ___'s friend Stephanie! Just checking to see if you have received your spa packet yet? I can't wait to meet you on___ @___ at the virtual spa session. If you haven't received it, no worries, just text me when you get it 😊 

Coaching Text #3- (send this out 3-4 days before the spa session) 

Excited to see you on Wednesday at 6pm AZ/PT for_________'s Beauty Sesh! I will send out a zoom link later this week! Btw... If you'd like a fun free gift watch this video about our company & text me the password. ❀️- Stephanie w/ MK

Coaching Text #4- (send this out the morning before for night appointments or the night before for morning appointments) 

Hi! I'm excited to see you at our Mary Kay pampering session tonight! I wanted to give you the scoop on what to expect 😊  The party will be on Zoom at 7pm EST so just click this link 10 minutes before to get your tech all figured out! 

If this is your first time using Zoom just click the link a few minutes prior to 7 and follow the on screen instructions. You can be on your mobile device or tablet, but for the best experience use your laptop. You'll need your packet, a mirror, wet wash cloth and a pen. Oh and this is super important: seriously do not dress up for this πŸ˜‚Come in your PJs or work clothes, with or without makeup...whatever you look like is fine! If you have any questions or need any help just call or text me. Enjoy you day and get ready to be pampered at 7! 😊 Stephanie

Check here to Complete the Checklist

Believing in you!!! 
